I love food! I have Italian running through these veins and I’m married to a food-motivated, Filipino, so it’s basically a requirement to love food and have plenty for social gatherings! I love making food for others and experimenting in the kitchen and we are totally into Italian and Asian cuisine as well! Though I have a strong love for food, I do believe in moderation and strive to live a healthy lifestyle, and I am allergic to a great many thing!
A little backstory on my allergies; I can’t have dairy or most nuts and I must limit my wheat, citrus and high-oxalate foods. This is when most people feel sorry for me and go, “but CHEESE”! Please, don’t worry! It makes it sound like a debilitating disability that is ruining my life, when in fact, I have made a conscious decision to listen to my body and it has given me a better quality of life! I am happy to say that non-dairy products have come a LONG way over the years and besides the occasional dessert offered at a dinner party (which let’s be honest, is overall good for my waistline), I don’t have to skimp on good food or flavor and neither should you! I will focus a lot on allergy alternatives and I’m always open to your suggestions!
I have had years now to experiment with recipes that I am happy to share with you and all are dairy-free! Living with food allergies, one does have to take some extra thought in preparation, however, once you’ve got down the basic substitutions, you’ll forget about your dairy past and when serving your friends and family, they will be none-the-wiser. I can’t wait to share with you some of my favorite dairy alternatives!
Even if you love to cook, it’s also fun and necessary to take a break and go out. So what then? Please don’t miss out on a new or highly acclaimed restaurant because of allergies! Many restaurants have dairy-free or gluten-free options now and it is really simple to sub out certain ingredients or just omit them altogether. I have even been to restaurants where the chef has been excited to create something new that avoids my allergens! I plan to add reviews of restaurants with some of the best dairy-free dishes I have had!
And lastly, what about traveling abroad? When traveling, I believe in my core that if you don’t try the local cuisine that you should just stay home. (Only kinda kidding!) Sure, you may have to avoid some things, however, you can still make it work. In the works for you all will be my tips on How to Indulge Abroad with Food Allergies.
Let’s Eat!
Thank you for reading through my backstory and what my food creations are all about! I’m so glad you’re here! Now let’s get in the kitchen so we can eat!

The Best Dairy-Free Coffee Cake!