
Tips For New Year Goal Setting

Goal Setting, Resolutions & Intentions

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Each New Year there is hype, excitement, or overwhelm and dread for new resolutions, goals, habits, etc. I personally am a hype-gal and get super excited for the year to come, however, that initial hype and excitement eventually fades and the overall excitement will ebb and flow over the year.

I haven’t set a real “resolution” in quite some time as I believe resolutions should be something long-term- not to say that you can’t or won’t evolve over time. It was 2013, my senior year in college, that I made a resolution to quit drinking Sugar-Free Red Bull (oh the sleepless nights of a senior in college!). I set an intention and I wanted to do it because I knew it wasn’t healthy and that I would get better sleep without it. Getting better sleep would make me less tired and more productive. Because my why meant so much to me, I conquered this resolution and I can honestly say that I do not miss that drink! I haven’t had any resolution so extreme since (cutting something completely out of my life forever), and I find what works best for me is to set intentions and goals because as I mentioned before, we evolve over time. Plus, I love celebrating small wins along the way!

So, how do I do this? My tips for goal setting and then accomplishing those goals are; 1) Have a specific goal, 2) Brainstorm how you’re going to achieve that goal 3) Your why and 4) Revisit 1-3 and track your progress.

This mantra came to me during my first yoga session of 2022 and helped me to set my intention for the new year!

Create a Specific Goal

If you are not clear on your goal, you will not achieve it. For example, wanting to save more money or be healthier is a good start, but may set you up for failure because there isn’t a concrete goal. Having a specific goal will also help you to keep yourself accountable. So instead write out, I will save $5,000 by the end of 2022″ or, “I will eat vegetables with every meal and workout 4 times a week to be healthier”. Saying you will vs. you want will also set your intention that this is more than just a dream, but you will take action.

Determine Your How

When you look at your end goal it can be easy to get super excited and daydream about getting there, yet also be intimidating and overwhelming at the same time. To help alleviate endless daydreaming and any anxiety, write out how you will achieve your goals. In our above examples, the end goals are clear, but chances of succeeding are low because there isn’t any action plan to get you there. For our savings example, you may say, “To achieve my savings goal of $5000, I will autopay $100 into my savings account each week.” (For all my math gurus, that will actually land you more than $5000 plus interest, so win-win!) By creating a plan, you have a basis for executing your goal!

One of my best friends just shared a quote with me from @NEDRATAWWAB that I am going to carry into the New Year, “In 2022, move towards action instead of hoping that manifesting will be enough”. I am a big proponent of manifesting your goals, however, you need to take action to get you there. If books motivate you, I have a couple that I love when it comes to taking action! Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert and The 5 Second Rule by Mel Robbins.

Know Your Why

Lastly, knowing your why is so important. If you don’t have a reason why you want to achieve a goal, then you will not have any motivation to achieve it. Even if you have motivation to go after your goal, having a solid reminder WHY you want to achieve your goal will help you stick to it when times are tough. Your why for saving could be “I need to have an emergency fund for unexpected expenses or situations, or I want to take my family to Disney World in 2023”. If reducing debt or saving money is on your list this year, consider using a budget planner.

Track Your Progress

Personally, I like to revisit my goals on a weekly basis and track my progress in my weekly planner. This helps me stay focused and adjust where I need to step up and celebrate small wins! I don’t like my day planner to look cluttered, so some of my favorite planners are from the Tullofa store and have note pages and dedicated spaces for goal setting and journaling. This year I am using this gorgeous planner from Tullofa and I love that it has a pocket in the back for keeping my notes (this budget planner matches)! If you have a long-term goal for the year and weekly progress checks are too much for you, I would suggest at least a monthly check-in with yourself and how you are progressing. If you aren’t hitting your goal, you can see where you are missing the bar and don’t be afraid to re-evaluate or adjust your “how” if you really need to.

When you consistently go back to your goal sheet that you wrote out, it will help keep you on track and when you hit those micro goals, say you put $800 in your savings the past 8 weeks, celebrate that win and know that you are THAT much closer to your end goal and supporting your why.

Whatever your goals, intentions or resolutions are this year, I hope you achieve them! I am rooting for your successes and happiness!

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A Seattle, PNW gal living in coastal Carolina! I love to make and eat good food that tastes amazing, & is dairy-free. I love music, sports, travel and all things real estate!